A sentence that will produce a line of text is not its own sentence at all – Kelly Wu

By: Kelly Wu A sentence that will produce a line of text is not its own sentence at all. Keywords: AI; oranges; friends; Google; texting Why think, when the AI can do that for me?  How much of our time should we spend taking selfies, speaking to our devices, making playlists on Spotify, etc.? Hours

A sentence that will produce a line of text is not its own sentence at all – Kelly Wu Read More »

When the Dust Settles – Nicky Broekhuysen & Mine Kaplangi

By Nicky Broekhuysen & Mine Kaplangi When the Dust Settles An unsettled experimentation on a 2016 exhibition The Digital Archaeologist Keywords: media archaeology; binary code; collaboration; digital archive; experimentation I have realised that there is no final ‘ordered end point’ rather there is just the space through which one passes on the journey to discovering

When the Dust Settles – Nicky Broekhuysen & Mine Kaplangi Read More »